Winnie’s Karaoke Bar

23 May 2019
Left:Laserdisc of Karaoke Songs used at Winnie’s, Courtesy of Teddy Mui, Museum of Chinese in America (MOCA) Collection;
Right:Former MOCA Staff member Michael Robison singing the “I Want it that Way” that Winnie’s (104 Bayard Street)
左:温娜卡拉OK酒廊的激光唱片,Teddy Mui捐赠,美国华人博物馆(MOCA)馆藏;右:MOCA前员工
Michael Robison在位于摆也街104 号的温娜卡拉OK酒廊演唱 “I Want it that Way”

Winnie’s Karaoke Bar at 104 Bayard Street was a New York Chinatown staple from its inception in 1987 until it was forced to close in March of 2015 due to an expiring lease. The bar’s owner and namesake, Winnie Mui, opened the bar after a brief but illustrious career as a Cantonese opera star in Hong Kong. Winnie’s DJs juggled song requests scrawled on slips of scrap paper, a complicated-looking filing system of laserdiscs, hand-written location notes, and multiple laser disc players to smoothly transition from one song to the next. Diverse crowds crammed into Winnie’s on the weekends – Chinatown old-timers shared the stage with artist types and hipsters.

The last night at Winnie’s looked like a fitting end to a Chinatown fixture: Winnie held court with quiet dignity as locals came to pay respects to her and the bar. On the stage, karaoke enthusiasts belted out boozy renditions of classics, serenading the space into retirement. Teddy Mui, Winnie’s son, was always adamant that the iconic karaoke bar would reopen. In 2019, Four years after its closure Winnie and Teddy have finally found a new home and reopened the bar at 53 East Broadway.

温娜卡拉OK酒廊位于摆也街104号,从1987年开业一直到2015年3月因租约到期被迫关闭,它一直都是纽约唐人街的一个重要场所。这间酒吧以老板Winnie Mui的名字命名,Winnie Mui结束了她在香港的一段短暂而辉煌的粤剧明星生涯后,开了这间酒吧。温娜酒廊的DJ们一边摆弄着潦草的写在纸片上的歌单请求,一边操作着一个看起来很复杂的文件系统,里面有激光唱片、手写的位置记录和多台激光唱机,以便流畅地从一首歌曲过渡到下一首。周末,各种各样的人群挤在温娜酒廊里——唐人街的老前辈们和艺术家、潮人们一起登台。

温娜酒廊的最后一夜看起来像是一个符合唐人街定式的合适的结局:Winnie安静而有尊严地接待客人,当地人前来向她和她的酒吧致敬。在舞台上,卡拉OK爱好者们高唱着醉人的经典歌曲,伴着小夜曲,这个空间逐渐退出历史舞台。Winnie的儿子Teddy Mui一直坚称,这家标志性的卡拉OK酒吧将会重新开业。2019年,在酒吧关闭四年后,Winnie和Teddy终于找到了一个新的场所,在东百老汇53号重新开业。

Countdown to the TCS NYC Marathon on November 3, 2019: 216 Days.

2019年是美国第一条横贯大陆铁路建成150周年,为了纪念第一批华人来美建设这条铁路所做出的巨大贡献, MOCA将其2019 TCS NYC Marathon的活动命名为 MOCA Spike 150 – Running Forward With Our Stories! 鼓励大家通过马拉松公益跑,全国线上接力,以及一天一个故事的方式讲述150个华人的历史故事,敬请大家持续关注, 讲出华人自己的故事,回顾过去,立足现在,展望未来,共同书写美国历史,使之更加充实完整。

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