150 Stories
As one of the initiatives of “MOCA Spike 150: Running Forward with our stories” beginning on April 1st and continuing through October, we will be posting 150 stories (one each weekday) that each tells a vital piece of Chinese American history. These stories could be about people, events, organizations, etc. each will not only allow people to see unexhibited artifacts from MOCA collection but also slowly begin to piece together the puzzle that is the Chinese American experience. All the stories will be in bilingual format. Please be sure to visit this page daily to learn a new fact and support MOCA’s mission to preserve the history of Chinese in America.作为”MOCA Spike 150: Running Forward with our stories“的倡议之一,从4月1日开始到10月底,我们将发布150个馆藏故事(每个工作日发布一个故事),其中每个故事都是美国华裔历史的重要篇章。这些故事可能涉及人、事件、组织等,不仅展示了MOCA馆藏中还没有被展出过的馆藏品,而且还一件件开始慢慢地拼凑出整个美国华人历史交织的经历。 每篇故事都将以图文并茂的方式用中英双语呈现。请每天访问此页面阅读新故事,并支持MOCA保存在美华人历史的使命。