
MOCA Spike 150 Virtual Relay Results

More than 30 weeks of continuiously planning and coding, countless nights of back and forth coordination, 34 major Chinese running clubs in North America’s participatioon, more than three thousand runners take turn to run virtually in period of 24 weeks, we can now finally annouce the winners of our unpresendented MOCA Spike 150 Relay!

Here are our winners:


MOCA Spike 150 October Announcement

Dear MOCA Spike 150 Ambassador,

First of all, let me express my highest appreciation to all of you for being a MOCA Spike 150 ambassador to support such an unprecedented big running charity event for MOCA. As we celebrate the 150th anniversary of the completion of the Transcontinental Railroad to honor the contribution of Chinese ancestry who toiled and gave their lives to build America into the country it is today, your participation allows MOCA to tell 150 untold stories in the making of America as many of us follow in the footsteps of this country’s first pioneers and run across the finish line in the TCS NYC Marathon on November 3, 2019.




积极相应MOCA Spike 150的跑步活动,五四青年节那一天,普林蚱蜢越野群与岚山近二十位越野大侠们在纽约州的熊山(Bear mountain State Park)疯野了整整一天。此次熊山越野赛事由户外运动品牌The north Face (北脸) 领衔主办,比赛分为50英里(80公里), 50公里, 马拉松和马拉松接力,其中最难也最具挑战的熊山五十英里(八十公里)赛事,全程累积爬升6880英尺(约2100米),周六凌晨五点至傍晚七点,十四个小时的关门时间,404名参赛者中,只有336名最终完赛。


新泽西马拉松:我们加入了MOCA Spike 150接力团队

Julia Zeng & Sherry Sun

On Sunday, April 28th, Julia Zeng and Sherry Sun joined Nancy Yao Maasbach, the President, and Yue Ma, the Director of Collections & Research of MOCA and comprise the MCOA Spike 150 relay team at the 2019 Novo Nordisk New Jersery Marathon, running a 26.2 mile race and finishing at 3 hours 48 mintutes 29 seconds.


Artist's Statement: The Gilded Spike

Claudia Liu

In this painting, I attempted to encapsulate the history of how Chinese migrant workers were exploited to build the first trans-continental railroad yet were barred from taking advantage of the benefits it offered. Branded as “perpetual foreigners” by widespread anti-Chinese sentiment, many of these migrant workers became victims of violent racism, riots, and massacres and were often forced to take refuge in the first American Chinatowns. As a result of xenophobic conditions, the Chinese Exclusion Act restricting all Chinese immigration to the United States passed in 1882, just a little over a decade after the planting of the golden spike in 1869.


Fifteen Facts / 15个修建铁路小知识

Yue Ma, Kevin Chu & Han Feng

  1. President Abraham Lincoln signs the first Pacific Railroad Act on July 1, 1862, the first concrete step by the federal government to provide support for the transcontinental railroad.


  2. The Transcontinental Railroad was one of the Pacific Railroads. It started construction in 1863 and was completed on May 10, 1869



NJ Marathon: Striving and Achieving As One

Nancy Yao Maasbach

Yesterday, May 10, 2019–on the 150th anniversary of the Transcontinental Railroad completion, I was at Promontory Summit in Utah. When I walked passed a large group of young children dressed with railroad conductor hats and blue and white pin stripe railroad uniforms, I asked them if they were going to perform a song in honor of the 150th Anniversary. They replied in happy unison, “yes!” This group was the Utah Children’s Choir. I asked them if they knew that the Chinese helped build the railroads. They replied even more energetically and in triumphant unison, “yes!!!” An hour later they would perform a piece titled “As One” that would move the audience of over 15,000 visitors on this special anniversary date.


MOCA Spike 150 全美线上接力准备起跑!

Renny Shih

为了纪念华人为建设这条铁路所做出的巨大贡献,美国华人博物馆(MOCA) 隆重推出MOCA Spike 150: Running Forward With Our Stories!这个历时数月的公益活动自新年开始,至11月3日纽约马拉松推向高潮。其中的标志性活动Spike 150 线上接力跑,在5月10日150周年宣布起跑,以跑团为单位,每周接力,连续25周,至纽马终点线结束。期待凝聚全美各地的华人跑团為公益而跑,彰显在美华人的历史及其保存展示的重要性!也希望借着这次的主题活动,改变过去媒体中对华人的刻板形象,用奔跑的脚步讲述属于我们自己的故事!

MOCA Spike 150: Chinatown 7M Run

Amy Ko-Tang

“Our memory is made up of our individual memories and our collective memories. The two are intimately linked. And history is our collective memory. If our collective memory is taken from us - is rewritten - we lose the ability to sustain our true selves.” ~Haruki Murakam


A Great Day in Long Branch

Qian Zhou

Leading up to the NJ Marathon, Half Marathon, and Marathon Relays on April 28th, a few passion-driven official NJM pacers have organized a 5-week training program free of charge to the incoming runners. Two sets of distances and routes are designed for every of the five weekends, customized to fit runners’ training progress, for both full and half marathon participants. (more…)


Yue Ma

今年的奥斯卡金像奖,华裔摄影师金国威(Jimmy Chin)与妻子Elizabeth Chai Vasarhelyi共同执导的《自由攀登(Free Solo)》摘得最佳纪录片奖;华裔女导演石之予制作的动画短片《包宝宝(Bao)》获得最佳动画短片奖,这是多么令华人及华人电影界振奋的消息啊!大胆设想一下,不久的将来,又有一部由华裔指导的纪录片获大奖,剧组、片中人和观众的见面又会是怎样一幅场景呢?这是一部描述纽约非营利机构MOCA(美国华人博物馆)起起伏伏生存挣扎,但不忘初心努力发展的故事; (more…)

用Spike 150 为波马热身

Rachel Lu



MOCA Goes Global!

Yue Ma & Claire Mondry

MOCA goes global! In support of our newest initiative – MOCA Spike 150, our friend Johnson Shen climbed to the summit of Mount Aconcagua in Argentina (the highest mountain outside of Asia!) in a 12 hour trek with high speed winds, all while wearing a MOCA t-shirt!


MOCA Spike 150 野豬迎春跑后記

Renny Shih

今年很荣幸的被纽约华人博物馆(Museum of Chinese in America简称MOCA)相中,担任MOCA TCS New York City Marathon Charity Team Co-Captain工作。2019年适逢美国跨洲铁路transcontinental railroad东西向连结完工150周年。 150年前,这条开天辟地的铁路奠定美国跨洲交通基础。铁路一大部分的工程是华工在极恶劣的工作环境下牺牲了不少生命胼手胝足完成的。 他们也是中国人来美的第一波移民。但是,很多人并不了解这段历史,甚至最后完工大典的照片上都没有一张代表华人的面孔。


MOCA Spike 150: A Run for the Pig!

Amy Ko-Tang

What a way to ring in the Year of Pig 🐷 with an epic half marathon (plus some) in downtown Manhattan on a chilling Feb morning! Nearly 100 runners from multiple Chinese running clubs around the New York metropolitan (Misty Mountain Runners, Newbee Running club, Trail Hoppers, Flying Fox , Bergen Runners and Run100871 club) warmed up to the invitation and inked their footprints through the streets of Union Square, Flatiron, Greenwich Village, Noho, Washington Square, Tribeca, Battery Park, Wall Street, Chinatown, Stuyvesant Town, Gramercy, Two Bridges, East Village, Lower East Side & Alphabet City.

