Jail Record

17 September 2019
Jail Records, 1901-1903, Courtesy of the Moriah Historical Society, Museum of Chinese in America (MOCA) Collection

In 2018, MOCA partnered with the Moriah Historical Society and Iron Center Museum, Lakes to Locks Passage Stakeholders, and the North Country Underground Railroad Historical Association and Museum in Ausable Chasm, NY. Together the organizations worked to preserve and digitize several rare ledgers containing mugshots and arrest records of undocumented Chinese workers that had been arrested between 1901-1903 for crossing the Canadian-New York border. These men were jailed pending a court hearing under the laws of the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882. The ledgers include boys as young as 12 and men marked as “deported” or “released by death.” These rare documents not only put a face to the racist immigration laws of the times, but act as an amazing genealogical resource for present day descendants of these men.

2018年,美国华人博物馆与莫里亚历史学会(Moriah Historical Society)暨铁路博物馆(Iron Center Museum)、Lakes to Locks Passage Stakeholders、以及位于纽约州Ausable Chasm的北方国家地下铁路历史协会暨博物馆(North Country Underground Railroad Historical Association and Museum )在一起通力合作,保存并数字化了几本罕见的监狱记录薄,这些记录薄包括1901年至1903年间因跨越加拿大和纽约边境而被捕的非法中国工人的面部照片和逮捕记录。根据1882年的《排华法案》,这些人被关在监狱,等待法庭聆讯。这些监狱记录簿中有年仅12岁的男孩和一些被标记为“被驱逐出境”或“因死亡而被释放”的男子。这些罕见的文件不仅揭露了当时种族主义移民法的真面目,而且为当今这些人的后代提供了非常棒的家谱资源。

Countdown to the TCS NYC Marathon on November 3, 2019: 216 Days.

2019年是美国第一条横贯大陆铁路建成150周年,为了纪念第一批华人来美建设这条铁路所做出的巨大贡献, MOCA将其2019 TCS NYC Marathon的活动命名为 MOCA Spike 150 – Running Forward With Our Stories! 鼓励大家通过马拉松公益跑,全国线上接力,以及一天一个故事的方式讲述150个华人的历史故事,敬请大家持续关注, 讲出华人自己的故事,回顾过去,立足现在,展望未来,共同书写美国历史,使之更加充实完整。

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