Leong-Yau Chan

19 September 2019
Leong-Yau Chan letters, Courtesy of Michael Calvert, Museum of Chinese in America (MOCA) Collection
陈良猷信件,Michael Calvert捐赠,美国华人博物馆(MOCA)馆藏

Leong-Yau Chan, also known as Yushan Chan, was born in China in the 1900s. Hereceived a his bachelor’s degree at Peking University in 1921 then came to the U.S. and completed at masters program at NYU in the 1930. He was appointed as a professor at National Zhongshan University in 1931 and served in several important positions in the Kuomingtang's military forces. He returned to the U.S. in the early 1940s and lectured at NYU from 1941-43, during which time he was also the secretary of "The Chinese Military Mission to U.S.” Chan would later run the Chinese American World Publishing Corp in New York’s Chinatown.

Chan was married three times, bearing one child with his first wife and one child with his second wife. He was married to his third wife, the aunt of the collection’s donor, for forty-two years. In the collection are a series of letters from his second wife, King-Fong. In her letters, she speaks sorrowfully of their separation across Hong Kong and Washington D.C. and tells him about the things their baby daughter has been doing, such as starting to eat rice. Fang also wrote a short autobiography, describing how she and Chan fell for each other, fled to Hong Kong to marry when the Japanese conquered Guangzhou, and began the process of bringing Fang and their children to the U.S. until the bombing of the Kai Tak Airport of hong kong dashed her dreams of reuniting with her husband.

陈良猷(Leong-Yau Chan),也被叫做陈玉山(Yushan Chan),20世纪初在中国出生。1921年,他在北京大学获得学士学位,随后来到美国,1930年在纽约大学完成硕士课程。1931年担任国立中山大学教授,在国民党军队中担任要职。上世纪40年代初,他回到美国,并于1941年至1943年在纽约大学授课,在此期间,他还担任中国军队驻美使团(The Chinese Military Mission to U.S.)的秘书。他后来在纽约唐人街开办了美国华人世界出版公司(Chinese American World Publishing Corp)。


Countdown to the TCS NYC Marathon on November 3, 2019: 216 Days.

2019年是美国第一条横贯大陆铁路建成150周年,为了纪念第一批华人来美建设这条铁路所做出的巨大贡献, MOCA将其2019 TCS NYC Marathon的活动命名为 MOCA Spike 150 – Running Forward With Our Stories! 鼓励大家通过马拉松公益跑,全国线上接力,以及一天一个故事的方式讲述150个华人的历史故事,敬请大家持续关注, 讲出华人自己的故事,回顾过去,立足现在,展望未来,共同书写美国历史,使之更加充实完整。

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