Institutional Archives 黄齐耀(左)和他的女儿Kim(右)在2014年的MOCA年度传承慈善晚宴上,美国华人博物馆(MOCA)机构档案
Tyrus Wong (1910-2016) was one of the most influential Asian American artists of the 20th century, most celebrated for his work as lead production designer in Disney’s Bambi. He was born in Guangdong during the era of Chinese Exclusion. At the age of ten, Wong immigrated to the US with his father as a “paper son” and was detained alone at Angel Island for nearly a month. While Wong’s father was too poor to fund art school or even paper and ink, he encouraged his son to develop his artistic talent by practicing calligraphy every night with water on newspaper. Wong received a summer scholarship to Otis Art Institute in junior high and stayed on for five years as their youngest student while working as a campus janitor to pay his tuition.
Wong initially joined Disney as a lowly “in-betweener” on the animation assembly line. But after hearing of the company’s difficulties rendering the backgrounds for Bambi, Wong drew from his formal training and Song Dynasty landscape paintings to create lyrical, atmospheric scenes that blew Walt Disney himself away. Wong’s vision informed every aspect of the making of Bambi, noted to this day for its unique and haunting visual style. After an animator’s strike at Disney, Wong left the company to work at Warner Brothers until his retirement. Wong’s other artistic contributions included Hallmark Christmas cards, murals, ceramics, lithography, and remarkable kites. Wong was formally honored by Disney for his groundbreaking work on Bambi as a Disney Legend in 2001.
黄齐耀(Tyrus Wong 1910-2016)是20世纪最具影响力的亚裔美国艺术家之一,最著名的是他在迪士尼的《小鹿班比》中担任了首席制作设计师。他出生广东,正值排华法案实施期间。在他10岁那年,黄齐耀随父亲以“纸儿子”的身份移民美国,在天使岛他被单独拘禁了近一个月。虽然他的父亲穷得连资助他上艺术学校,甚至买纸和墨水的钱都没有,但是父亲依然鼓励他每天晚上在报纸上用水写字来练习书法,以培养自己的艺术天赋。黄先生在初中时获得了奥蒂斯艺术设计学院(Otis Art Institute)的暑期奖学金,并作为他们最年轻的学生在那里学习了五年,同时通过做校园守卫的工作来支付自己的学费。
黄先生最初加入迪士尼时,只是动画集成线上一个不起眼的“中间人”。但在听说公司在为《小鹿班比》绘制背景时遇到困难后,黄齐耀从自己的正规训练和宋代山水画中汲取灵感,创作出了抒情、大气的场景,让华特迪士尼(Walt Disney)本人为之折服。黄齐耀的视野贯穿在《小鹿班比》制作的方方面面,至今仍以其独特而令人难忘的视觉风格而闻名。在迪士尼的动画师罢工后,黄齐耀离开了公司来到了华纳兄弟(Warner Brothers)工作直到退休。黄齐耀的其它艺术贡献包括霍尔马克圣诞贺卡(Hallmark Christmas cards)、壁画、陶瓷、平版印刷,以及引人注目的风筝。2001年,因在《小鹿班比》中开创性的成就,黄先生被迪士尼正式授予“迪士尼传奇”(Disney Legend)的称号。
Countdown to the TCS NYC Marathon on November 3, 2019: 216 Days.
2019年是美国第一条横贯大陆铁路建成150周年,为了纪念第一批华人来美建设这条铁路所做出的巨大贡献, MOCA将其2019 TCS NYC Marathon的活动命名为 MOCA Spike 150 – Running Forward With Our Stories! 鼓励大家通过马拉松公益跑,全国线上接力,以及一天一个故事的方式讲述150个华人的历史故事,敬请大家持续关注, 讲出华人自己的故事,回顾过去,立足现在,展望未来,共同书写美国历史,使之更加充实完整。